The 5 Reasons Why I Now Call Asia Home – Part 1
The longest flight in the world is from New York’s Newark Liberty Airport to the country of Singapore. It is over 9,500 miles and takes nearly 19 hours. Little did I know, when I boarded that flight to the other side of the world that everything I currently knew in my life was about to change.
That is the amazing gift of life. You just never know what might be waiting for you just around the corner. Everything can change in just an instant if you are open to the abundance of gifts life has in store for you.
1. Because My Soul Tells Me So
One thing I have known even before I started this current human journey is the gifting of allowing my soul to lead the way. I allow this ever knowing compass to guide me in all areas of my life as it knows what’s best for me and is ever calling me to go higher.
Upon arriving in Singapore my soul knew that I was finally home. As much as I have loved and enjoyed other places I have traveled like Hawaii, Southern Italy, Switzerland among others and a few cities in the US, nothing has resonated with me and my soul outside of New York City as Asia has. My soul just knew it was home.
The interesting thing about this is that it has always known. The sole reason I was invited to Asia was because of the connection a friend knows I felt to Asia and they wanted me to experience it for myself first hand. And boy were they right! I often say, “I am an Asian girl trapped inside of a Black girl’s body.” I now know my friend was used to guide me there. I have a lot of work and living to do in Asia and I’m excited to get started!
2. Its Culture Feels Very Familiar to Me
I have always felt very intimately connected to the culture of Asia – from its food, art, architectural design and philosophy around health and wellness. I have also been drawn to their use of naturopathic medicine to cure diseases and ailments. All of these elements have felt ever so connected to my world and life.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta has a fabulous series on CNN called “Chasing Life” where he explores some of the places in the world that are leading the planet in areas of longevity, nutrition, health and wellness – to no surprise some of those places are on the continent of Asia.
My family owned Chinese restaurants in NYC for years, which I know seems very odd to many, but seems so very normal to me. The decision for them to start Chinese restaurants did not come from me, but the mere existence of them as part of my life had a deeper level of resonance with me and my ties to the Asian culture.
Check out Part 2 of this article here.
If you are interested in experiencing Asia for yourself, join me as I will be hosting a group of entrepreneurs for a Mastermind in Bangkok from October 10th – 13th. Spots are filling fast. Learn all about our upcoming Asian adventure at www.LeverageUpinBangkok.com.
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