The Greatest Pivot of My Life

The Greatest Pivot of My Life

It was over a decade ago, during the Great Depression, I was in the midst of a collapsing economy and the fall of the real estate market.

I know what it feels like to be in the midst of a crashing economy all around you. That is what I experienced then a decade ago when the world of real estate was collapsing.

Instead of collapsing with it, I decided to do the only thing that would change everything and allow me to alter my current and future life. I decided to focus on and take control of the only things that I could control at the time. I decided to pivot.


I pivoted into a lane that I knew wasn’t just for that moment. It was bigger than that. It was the future. A lane that was just in its infancy at the time. A lane that could reach every corner of this great big world.

I immersed myself studying for years before coming up for air to learn all of the areas necessary to allow me to grow and grow fast. It was as if I was back in law school again. I looked up and I had built the foundation of what now allows me to live a life where I can call two continents on opposite sides of the world home. A world where I have clients all over the globe. A world where I can run my business working less than 10 hours a week. A world where I can run it from absolutely anywhere on earth. A world where I reach millions of people through our platforms which include a nationally syndicated television show in America.


And now in the midst of another economic disruption in the global economy, I am one of the very blessed few whose business has not been negatively impacted by this new world of quarantine and social distancing. Instead a decade later, I am in the forefront of an industry that is in the midst of its greatest growth in history.

The lane is online. The commodity is digital assets.

The time is now. If you’ve ever thought your life was supposed to be far greater than the one you currently created or if you’ve been in business, but know there’s so much more for you, decide this will be the moment in history where you made a pivot, took a silver lining and used it to change everything in your life and turned it into something almost unrecognizable.

Let me show you how.


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The Top 5 Reasons Why Fear Can Block You From Your Greatest Dreams In Business and In Life – Part 2

The Top 5 Reasons Why Fear Can Block You From Your Greatest Dreams In Business and In Life – Part 2

This is a continuation of Part 1.

4. It Can Make You Settle for Mediocracy

You know deep down you don’t want to settle. Everything in your body, mind and spirit tells you that you should not be satisfied with being mediocre, but you look at those around you and there is more mediocrity than not. So, you make yourself believe that being mediocre is good enough for you as well.

I have a client who is currently struggling with this. She is allowing fear to block her from reaching what she knows is greater for her. From saying she’s not qualified, doesn’t have enough experience (over 20 years), doesn’t know enough (holds a masters degree in the field) and just overall isn’t good enough.

She has put up blocks in all directions to prevent her from doing what’s necessary to move herself forward in her business, which would help to move her forward in her life. She was ready to succumb to just staying in mediocrity. But I refuse to grant her permission to live on that side of town.


5. It Will Have You Choose What Is Easy Rather Than What is Best For You

How do I know so much about this? Because I’ve had to overcome a great deal of fear in my own life. Fear that was keeping me stuck and unable to move forward. A fear that was preventing me from living the divinely designed life that was awaiting me on the other side of it. I’ve had to face fears and trauma around writing, school, people and animals among other things. When I think back on it now, after overcoming so much of it, the memory is as if I was fearful of almost everything!

What a blessing it is to be free from most of these ailments. I refused to surrender my future to fear. And every time you allow fear to win, you are sacrificing the greatness of your future for the smallness of your fear.

Imagine if I allowed my fears to win. I would not have been able to help the thousands of people I have through the work I do. I wouldn’t be able to live with the freeness I do in my life today. And ultimately, I would not be able to live my best and highest life.


I know what it means to have fears rule your life and what’s required to eliminate them by regular and consistent actions. When I get stuck, I just think of those whose lives and businesses have been changed through me truly showing up in the fullness of who I am in the world. A me without fear. And I am then strengthened to be able to push through again.

We can often do more for others than we are even willing to do for ourselves. So, if you need to think of your children, family, loved ones, legacy, whatever it takes for you to move, use it to push you through.

The world is awaiting you. And so am I, once you make it to the other side of your fear.


My dress is by Byron Lars Beauty Mark.

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The Top 5 Reasons Why Fear Can Block You From Your Greatest Dreams In Business and In Life – Part 1

The Top 5 Reasons Why Fear Can Block You From Your Greatest Dreams In Business and In Life – Part 1

Where you want to go in your business or life is not about something external. It is solely about who and what you have to become to get there. I believe your greatest successes in life can be found on the other side of your greatest fears.

1. It Can Be Paralyzing

Fear is a great equalizer. It can stop some of the most amazing people from living their greatest lives. Fear can transform otherwise very successful people into accepting a reduced version of themselves, solely based on fear.

What have you allowed fear to block you from doing in your life? And are you currently taking the necessary steps to overcome it?

One of the toughest issues in dealing with fear is the paralyzing effect it can often have on those it possesses. This great paralyzer will thwart your efforts, wants and actions – causing you to deny and seize all desires to move forward.


2. You Are Unwilling to Confront It

Have you ever wondered what makes some people conquer their biggest fears but not others?

We all have experienced fear in some area of our lives. Some a bit more than others, but we all know the human experience of fear and what it brings with it. Some people face fear head on, while others bury their heads in the sand and won’t face it at all.

What we know for sure is that if you are unwilling to confront it, fear will overtake you and you will never overcome it.

The world is filled with countless people who wish they would have the courage to face and overcome the fear that controls so much of their lives. But that requires them to take the first steps to acknowledge and face it. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.


3. The Presence of Arrogance

Arrogance can often be found as an element of fear. How does it show up you may ask? It can show up as a defensive mechanism to hide the fact that fear is even present.

It has been said that a smart man knows when to ask for help. But when you are consumed with arrogance, asking for help is not something you are remotely interested in doing. Instead of being consumed with what you think people may think about you, stay focused on what can be manifested in your life if you simply ask for the help that you need to overcome the fear that is blocking you from moving forward.

Continue to Part 2 here.

My dress is by Byron Lars Beauty Mark.

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The Importance of Developing Into Your Wholeness

The Importance of Developing Into Your Wholeness

Being whole is not just a state of mind. It is developing and deciding to live in the fullness of all areas of your life. It does not mean that there isn’t work for you to do or places for you to grow, but what it does mean is that you are already filled to a critical level in all essential areas of your life.

Being truly whole prevents you from succumbing to the falsities that many people will attempt to sell you along the way. It will allow you to dig deeper knowing that your foundational well is already filled and you don’t need to seek permission nor approval from others to make you feel good and fulfilled within yourself.


When people are lacking in significant areas that is when they are most vulnerable to the actions, thoughts and opinions that others try to insert into their lives. That is when those people, either conscious or unconsciously, use the gaps, holes and shortcomings to manipulate what you may feel about yourself, think about yourself or even claim to know about yourself.

These spaces of emptiness may appear as insecurity, be grounded in fears or simply be incorrect thinking. But no matter what it is you must know that you can recover from whatever ails you if you are willing to acknowledge what exists and do the work to overcome it.

The work may look like therapy. You may need to focus on improving a particular area of your life or it can be connected to learning a different way of thinking. Whatever it may be, doing what is necessary to fill the gaps will be far more beneficial for you than trying to avoid what can ultimately draw great harm to you.


If you don’t feel as if you’re already whole, start working on the areas you think need improvement so you can build your own security wall that is unpenetrable for those who may try to prey on you, while you are on your way to completing your wholeness. Even those with good intentions can end up doing tremendous harm to you if you are vulnerable to particular actions and words that people send your way.

Always be open to working on and developing into your wholeness. It will serve you and your life in ways you cannot even imagine.

For more information on being whole by being good to yourself, download my ebook “10 Steps to Being Good to Yourself” here.

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Top 5 Ways to Know if You’re Cut Out to Be an Entrepreneur – Part 2

Top 5 Ways to Know if You’re Cut Out to Be an Entrepreneur – Part 2

This is a continuation of Part 1.

There will be seasons in owning a business where you’ll have a lot of wins and there will be certainly seasons when you’ll have a lot of losses. But whichever way the seasons blow, you must be ready and willing to do whatever is necessary to adjust with the times.

What is extremely important and connected to the characteristic of malleability is resilience. You have to be able to adjust and maneuver to whatever is happening in your business and you have to be equally able to recover from setbacks that occur as well.

You will undoubtedly hit obstacles and adversity along the way. So, you must be able to recover quickly from those trials and struggles to land back on your feet and be able to live in your business another day.


3. Are You a Problem Solver?

One of the top things that you will do as an entrepreneur is solve problems. Each day will offer you the opportunity to discover new ways of solving new challenges that face your business. Doing so will grow you in ways you can’t even imagine. So, problem-solving, and the ability to do so is a quality that is necessary and essential as a business owner.

4. Are You Open to Growth and Learning?

Entrepreneurship is all about learning and growing. If you are not interested in either, the world of entrepreneurship is not for you. Most entrepreneurs go into business without ever having any business experience or knowledge. Although not the best way to go into business, most of these entrepreneurs end up learning on the job. You have to be willing to adjust your thinking, adjust your doing and be open to ideas and concepts you never imagined before.

If learning and growing is not on your list of ambitions or if it’s something you’re resistant to doing, entrepreneurship is definitely not the right option for you. However, if you are open to learning different ways of thinking, different ways of being to improve all levels of your business and of yourself, then entrepreneurship very well may be a great opportunity for you.

5. Do You Have Faith and Belief in Yourself?

Entrepreneurship is not the career to go into if you have low self-esteem. Why? Because the challenges you will inevitably face as an entrepreneur will create more insecurity and uncertainty in the belief of yourself than you had prior to going down this road.

Although you may have the support of staff, employees and team members, at the end of the day, when all the dust settles, if you do not believe in yourself and your ability to hurdle the challenges and move forward, you will not succeed.


A big part of the entrepreneurial game is the mental development and processing that has to occur long before you see successes in your bottom line. If you do not believe in your ability to weather the storms, you too, as many that were discussed at the beginning of Part 1 of this article, can very easily find yourself in a depressive state of mind.

All the preparation in the world will not prevent you from having to endure some trials and challenges in running a business. Even with them, it does not mean it is not doable – what it does mean is that you have to put yourself in the best position possible to make the best choices that will put your business in the most optimum position to succeed.

It also means that before you throw your hat in the entrepreneurial ring, you should work on developing some of the characteristics that will be essential to keep you in the game. I’m a believer that it can be done. But you have to be willing to stay on your grind, persevere and do all that is necessary to keep your business and yourself in the game.

Affirmations can help you break through fears, challenges, self-doubt and all sorts of things that block us.

The 7 tips I offer in this free report have the amazing power to help you break through these blocks so you can soar! Access the free report here.

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The Ever Present Element of Fear – Part 2

The Ever Present Element of Fear – Part 2

This is a continuation of Part 1.

I have had to deal with a great amount of fear in my own life. So, what I know for sure about it is that there’s no way to get to the other side of it without facing it and working through it head on.

For me, one of my greatest fears was around writing, because of the words of a teacher many years ago. That sentence of only five words, “you have a writing problem” would sink me into a writing depression that lasted for well over a decade of my life. But what I know now, on the other side of that experience, is that it was nothing but a tremendous blessing in disguise for me. In later years, my writings would become the model for other students to study and follow when writing their own papers.


If I didn’t find the courage to walk through that test, I would have never received the abundance of blessings on the other side of that fear and they have been bountiful. They include becoming an attorney, writing books, writing for news programs, writing as a newspaper reporter, writing for my current television show, Women on the Move, and even writing for this blog. You see, had I not found the courage to address and fight through the fear of writing, all of the blessings to come from it would not currently exist as part of my life.


Although it may seem difficult at times, even impossible, what I want you to know for sure is that anything is possible if you have faith (even if it’s borrowed at times), if you are willing to show up to do the work and if you are willing to fight your way to the other side. I absolutely believe that some of your greatest blessings in this life are waiting for you there.

For more information on fear, download a free resource here.

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