Why Marketing Matters

Why Marketing Matters

At a recent speaking engagement filled with entrepreneurs, I talked about the importance of marketing and how it is essential to the life and growth of your business. After the event, I was in a session with one of the attendees and she shared with me how a colleague of hers was doing so well in her business with tons of customers and how she was not. The attendee also shared that her colleague was using Facebook ads to market her business, which was helping it to grow tremendously.


She then went on to ask me if there was any hope for her business, or if she was just at a dead-end? I chuckled before responding then said, “Tell me what you think? Do you think you are at a dead-end in your business?”

The reason I posed the question back to her was because she had just described to me what her colleague was doing, which was the complete opposite of what she was doing, but then wondered if there was hope for her to grow her business. The answer was of course she could grow her business!

Businesses are only at dead-ends because their owners are at a dead-end and they didn’t evolve or grow themselves enough to grow their businesses. She spends absolutely no time nor money into marketing her business, but expects and desires the results of someone who does. That is completely illogical. And unfortunately, this is what the majority of entrepreneurs do. They expect tremendous results with little to no marketing efforts at all.

There are nearly 500,000 new businesses started each month in the US. If you do not emerge from the millions of other businesses out there, no one, including potential clients and customers, will even know that you exist.


I am always amazed by how entrepreneurs believe that they’re supposed to get tremendous results without any of the necessary work to get them there. Business does not work like that. It is essential that you market your business so that people know who you are, what you have to offer and the value your business offers to those who need to solve the problem your business was created to solve.

It is most important to market your business before your bank account hits zero. You have to market before your revenue is low. You have to create a system that allows you to have ongoing marketing strategies and systems in place that are working in your business consistently so that your cash flow is never jeopardized.

All marketing options are not costly, some are actually free. But you must first learn the strategies and systems that are necessary to market your business to bring in new clients and customers in your business and to produce the revenue you desire to see in your business.

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The Importance of Making Boundaries Part of Your Business Life – Part 2

The Importance of Making Boundaries Part of Your Business Life – Part 2

This is a continuation of Part 1.

When I started to rebuild my businesses during the Great Recession, it was my goal to be able to create a core business that I could run part-time, from anywhere in the world, but not have its revenue suffer. I had colleagues who had done it successfully and I was determined to do it as well. I wanted to only have to work three days a week for a max of 20 hours and not have to work on weekends.


I am very grateful to say that I have created that life for myself. I built my personal development company so that I could live that life I had only dreamed of. But it could only be done by creating definite boundaries and restrictions in my business.

Many people ask me how I get so much done. It’s quite simple. I schedule all the things I need to do and those are the only things I focus on. When it’s time for me to do something else, I turn my attention to that. I don’t waste time answering phones, replying to emails or surfing social media when I’m suppose to be doing something else.

I schedule downtime for myself regularly, because that will allow me to be the most creative and allow me to work at my highest level. I studied what works best for me and I work and stay within those parameters.


You can create whatever type of business it is you desire. You are the captain of your own ship. You are the decider. You are the rule maker. It is up to you to determine what that life looks like for yourself, create a roadmap to get you there, get whatever support you need to make it happen and then just do it.

We are rapidly approaching a new year. Make 2019 the entrance of the life and business you have always dreamed of. You only have yourself to make it happen and if I can assist you along the way, please just reach out to me. Your new life and your new business awaits you as soon as you take the leap of faith to make it happen. All of your dreams are waiting on the other side.

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3 of the Biggest Challenges Facing Women Business Owners Today

3 of the Biggest Challenges Facing Women Business Owners Today

I recently had the opportunity to attend an event for women business owners in a suburb of New York City. The event was focused on the challenges women business owners experience while running their companies.

It was a very interesting conversation around the difficulties that plague many women business owners. Although the owners represented were in the NYC area, I am sure that women business owners across the country share their sentiments.

One of the major challenges that were discussed was related to funding. Capital is one of the main reasons why businesses are forced to close. Where do you get it? Where are the best options? How do you put yourself in the best position for funding? These were all questions and challenges that many of the business owners had to face.


Another issue they tackled was around being a woman in a predominately male industry or just being disregarded or overly questioned by men in a non-male dominated industry. This was actually surprising to me as it has never been my experience. But it was evident how present it was for many who were sharing as part of their experience.

Some of these women business owners were in heavily male dominated arenas such as construction and moving. Some were actually told by colleagues that they were expecting them to fail.


We as human beings, and certainly as women, have our own questions and often times insecurities around our abilities to do different things especially those things we’ve never done before. The added pressure and stress of having individuals tell you that they are waiting for you to fall I find to be very saddening. But this is the reality for many female business owners across the country.

The 3rd challenge many of these business owners faced was related to having to learn exactly what to do at different times in their businesses. How to do it and when to do it without ever having the experience of doing it before. Many credit mentors and other business owners with previous experiences for assisting them and giving recommendations, but ultimately the final decision fell on the actual business owner to make the best decision for their business and then learn from the outcome depending on the results. Asking for and seeking help was a big factor for many of them to move their businesses ahead.

Although these issues were discussed by women business owners, I know that the first and the third challenges described are shared by all business owners, male or female, in America.

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One of the Top Reasons Why Entrepreneurship is Down in America

One of the Top Reasons Why Entrepreneurship is Down in America

Entrepreneurship is down in America. Americans are starting fewer businesses and new companies are going out of business sooner. One of the top reasons why businesses close is because of the lack of access to capital. Limited capital is one of the biggest challenges I hear from business owners who are trying to launch, grow or even maintain a business.


The non-profit organization, Kiva has assisted business owners in alleviating some of this challenge by creating a crowdfunding platform for loans up to $10,000. These are 0% interest and no fee loans. I recently attended a Kiva event designed for business owners to learn more about their platform. I was quite impressed with both their record and their efforts.

Crowdfunding has been a very popular way for businesses to raise money in recent years. It is where the general public is able to invest money to support different businesses.

Kiva helps small business owners by giving them access to capital to launch or expand their businesses. With the support of local organizations and partners, Kiva has assisted in financing over 600 entrepreneurs throughout New York City.

In NYC, minority-owned businesses represent 70% of those assisted. Women-owned businesses represent 61%. The top industries are service, food and retail, but the types of businesses run the gamut.


Kiva started by assisting entrepreneurs outside of the US to raise money for their businesses which has been providing ongoing income for families and changing lives. They have assisted millions of entrepreneurs in raising over $1 billion dollars around the world.

Many of the businesses they initially started with were in distressed countries. The vast majority of these businesses were owned by women entrepreneurs. In recent years, Kiva, the US based company, decided to bring their efforts to the states. With entrepreneurship currently on the decline in America, Kiva saw the opportunity to support would-be entrepreneurs to create businesses and assist other entrepreneurs with the funds they need to stay in business.

They now have a new initiative to assist farmers across the country. So, they have been extending financing to community farms and farmers markets across New York City.

They have also partnered with the City of New York through the WE NYC program to assist funding women entrepreneurs in New York City.


If you are in need of capital to launch or grow your business, Kiva is a wonderful place to start on the long road to funding your entrepreneurial dream.

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The Top 3 Reasons I Am Always Inspired by New York City – Part 2

The Top 3 Reasons I Am Always Inspired by New York City – Part 2

This is a continuation of Part 1.

Reason Number 2: It is Where I Soared Above Academic Challenges

From negotiating my own recording contracts as a teenager to reviewing leases for my father’s parking garage business, “lawyering” is something I knew I was destined for. I will share more about my academic challenges later, but suffice it to say, due to an academic label that was placed on me years ago, I went from a student who received mostly A’s to a student who delved into a writing depression that last for more than a decade and caused me to be academically suspended not once, but twice from college all rooted in an overwhelming fear of writing.

I left academia in New York City academically suspended from college, but I returned as a New York attorney. That was no small feat.


If you know anything about me personally, you know that I have overcome a tremendous amount of obstacles in this life. From the music business to academia to entrepreneurship, most of my greatest achievements were ultimately only obtained after first overcoming extreme hurdles before reaching them.

If you know me intimately, what you know for sure is that I am an unrelenting fighter. And when called upon, I can go into complete warrior mode and not retreat until the victory is won. This is by far one of my greatest qualities.


Reason Number 3: The Strength of Its People

My father and I are not the only people who have gained tremendous successes in New York City. There are centuries of unbelievable stories of overcoming that make up the intricate pieces of this magnificent city. From those who ran from horrible atrocities in other parts of the world to those who were birthed here, the dreams and aspirations of millions have been born and bloomed here.

No matter what I may be going through at any given time, when I see the image of New York City and I am in its sphere, I am reenergized anew and even supersized in a way that I would just never be outside of its walls.


It is that very special feeling I take deep inside of me everywhere I go to remind myself from whence I came, and if I’ve overcome once before, I am surely destined to overcome once again.

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