The Top 5 Reasons Why Fear Can Block You From Your Greatest Dreams In Business and In Life – Part 2
This is a continuation of Part 1.
4. It Can Make You Settle for Mediocracy
You know deep down you don’t want to settle. Everything in your body, mind and spirit tells you that you should not be satisfied with being mediocre, but you look at those around you and there is more mediocrity than not. So, you make yourself believe that being mediocre is good enough for you as well.
I have a client who is currently struggling with this. She is allowing fear to block her from reaching what she knows is greater for her. From saying she’s not qualified, doesn’t have enough experience (over 20 years), doesn’t know enough (holds a masters degree in the field) and just overall isn’t good enough.
She has put up blocks in all directions to prevent her from doing what’s necessary to move herself forward in her business, which would help to move her forward in her life. She was ready to succumb to just staying in mediocrity. But I refuse to grant her permission to live on that side of town.
5. It Will Have You Choose What Is Easy Rather Than What is Best For You
How do I know so much about this? Because I’ve had to overcome a great deal of fear in my own life. Fear that was keeping me stuck and unable to move forward. A fear that was preventing me from living the divinely designed life that was awaiting me on the other side of it. I’ve had to face fears and trauma around writing, school, people and animals among other things. When I think back on it now, after overcoming so much of it, the memory is as if I was fearful of almost everything!
What a blessing it is to be free from most of these ailments. I refused to surrender my future to fear. And every time you allow fear to win, you are sacrificing the greatness of your future for the smallness of your fear.
Imagine if I allowed my fears to win. I would not have been able to help the thousands of people I have through the work I do. I wouldn’t be able to live with the freeness I do in my life today. And ultimately, I would not be able to live my best and highest life.
I know what it means to have fears rule your life and what’s required to eliminate them by regular and consistent actions. When I get stuck, I just think of those whose lives and businesses have been changed through me truly showing up in the fullness of who I am in the world. A me without fear. And I am then strengthened to be able to push through again.
We can often do more for others than we are even willing to do for ourselves. So, if you need to think of your children, family, loved ones, legacy, whatever it takes for you to move, use it to push you through.
The world is awaiting you. And so am I, once you make it to the other side of your fear.
My dress is by Byron Lars Beauty Mark.
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