The Top 5 Things To Do When Your Business Is In a Lull – Part 1

The Top 5 Things To Do When Your Business Is In a Lull – Part 1

It’s often very difficult for an entrepreneur to pull themself out of a slow time in their business. This difficulty is for a variety of reasons, but often times when one is in that place, it takes all they have to pull themselves out of it. Contrary to what many entrepreneurs may think, all businesses experience a slow down at times and must do whatever is necessary to move themselves and their businesses forward.

There are different ways to move yourself forward if you find yourself there, but below you will find what I believe to be the top five ways to do it.

1. Go Out and Get Inspired!

When you’re feeling low about where you are in your business or your actions and inactions in getting yourself there, one of the best things you can do is to go find inspiration.


No matter where things are in your business, and how bad you may feel about your current state, there is always someone out there whose situation is worse. There are tons of entrepreneurs who had the deck totally stacked against them and they succeeded at this entrepreneurial game anyway.

Finding inspiration can be done in a myriad of ways. It can be done by reading the story of an amazing, unrelenting business owner. It can be done by watching the inspirational story of someone who overcame extraordinary odds in their business and life. Or it can be done by attending an event which exposes you to such people and stories. All that matters is you find it.

Inspiration is everywhere! Go out and get some to inspire you to do the next steps that are required in your business now.

2. Remember What Worked When Your Business Was at a High and Do It Again!

Now obviously this one assumes that you have previously had some wins in your business. If you have not, then you need to start at the basics and invest in some education on what’s required to create a successful business.

But for those entrepreneurs who have had success, many seem to have a short memory as it relates to the actions they did that worked and benefited their businesses financially. Why do I say that? I say it because if they consciously remembered what they did that kept them at a high in their business, as opposed to their inaction around what was putting them in a rut, then seemingly they wouldn’t allow themselves to get there again in the first place.


I was recently speaking to a new client who was complaining to me about the current sales in her business and compared her current situation to someone else’s high sales in theirs. When she was telling me the story, she went into great detail about what the other person was doing that had their business booming and articulated her inaction in hers.

It was quite obvious to me that she was not hearing clearly what she was saying, because if she did she would implement some of the things that the other entrepreneur was doing in her business instead of complaining about hers.

When I discussed with her the current state she was facing compared to what she did when she was receiving sales, she responded as if she was surprised. She then said she would start to do those things again to pull her business out of its current state.

Check out Part 2 of this article on Friday.

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It’s Spring! Are You Seeing the Blooms You Planted?

It’s Spring! Are You Seeing the Blooms You Planted?

Spring is in the air! Depending on where you live, the feeling of spring may have arrived some time ago or you may live in an area where you are awaiting its arrival. Whichever it is for you, spring is sure to bring in some amazing new gifts with its arrival.

It is such a wonderful gift to witness a new season coming in and to see the previous one go away.

I had been a bit under the weather and pretty much burning the candle at both ends. It is never a good thing when you are moving so fast that you can’t see the warning signs (or you are unconsciously ignoring them) of something being off with your body. So, I had to take some time to restore, renew and reinvigorate my mind, body and soul.

It is such an impactful gift to be able to give yourself what you need when you need it. I am very grateful I was able to give myself some much needed rest to allow my body and mind to heal.


Spring ushers in things to sprout anew. This is the time for the new things in your life to start to bloom.

If you have planted your seeds and watered them consistently, you should be able to see the blooms of what you planted.

But if you haven’t, it’s not too late. You can start to implement and nurture what you have to this point.

Life will give you an abundance of opportunities to create yourself a new.

The moment you decide to do more, be more, expect more and know that you deserve the best of what life has to offer you, it will begin to abound you.

Spend some time today thinking over what it is that you would like to see blossom in your life in this new season and for the remainder of the year. Spend 15 – 30 minutes meditating over where you want your life to be, what you desire for your relationships and what you want your career and/or business to look like and then implement a plan and take the necessary steps to get you there.

I will be holding space for you in calling forth those things into your life. But it’s important that you create a roadmap, follow the path and implement consistency to get you to the finish line. Without consistency, nothing will succeed.

Spring has finally sprung! The question is – have you?

To help you stay on the right path, feel free to download my ebook here, The Top 7 Ways to Use Affirmations to See Growth In Your Life.

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Why Marketing Matters

Why Marketing Matters

At a recent speaking engagement filled with entrepreneurs, I talked about the importance of marketing and how it is essential to the life and growth of your business. After the event, I was in a session with one of the attendees and she shared with me how a colleague of hers was doing so well in her business with tons of customers and how she was not. The attendee also shared that her colleague was using Facebook ads to market her business, which was helping it to grow tremendously.


She then went on to ask me if there was any hope for her business, or if she was just at a dead-end? I chuckled before responding then said, “Tell me what you think? Do you think you are at a dead-end in your business?”

The reason I posed the question back to her was because she had just described to me what her colleague was doing, which was the complete opposite of what she was doing, but then wondered if there was hope for her to grow her business. The answer was of course she could grow her business!

Businesses are only at dead-ends because their owners are at a dead-end and they didn’t evolve or grow themselves enough to grow their businesses. She spends absolutely no time nor money into marketing her business, but expects and desires the results of someone who does. That is completely illogical. And unfortunately, this is what the majority of entrepreneurs do. They expect tremendous results with little to no marketing efforts at all.

There are nearly 500,000 new businesses started each month in the US. If you do not emerge from the millions of other businesses out there, no one, including potential clients and customers, will even know that you exist.


I am always amazed by how entrepreneurs believe that they’re supposed to get tremendous results without any of the necessary work to get them there. Business does not work like that. It is essential that you market your business so that people know who you are, what you have to offer and the value your business offers to those who need to solve the problem your business was created to solve.

It is most important to market your business before your bank account hits zero. You have to market before your revenue is low. You have to create a system that allows you to have ongoing marketing strategies and systems in place that are working in your business consistently so that your cash flow is never jeopardized.

All marketing options are not costly, some are actually free. But you must first learn the strategies and systems that are necessary to market your business to bring in new clients and customers in your business and to produce the revenue you desire to see in your business.

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Find Your Purpose

Find Your Purpose

One of the topics I get a lot of questions about is around finding your purpose. Many people find this to be an ever daunting task while others seem to know their purpose almost from birth.

Finding a purpose can help some people alleviate a lot of challenges and struggles in their lives, but others believe that once you discover it, being conscious of it has the potential to make your life a bit more complicated.

Your purpose is what drives you. It is what calls you higher. It is what makes you move daily and push through some of the greatest challenges and road blocks that without you may not feel so inclined to hurdle. Finding your purpose can be an ever evolving cycle. Some are able to find it very easily. For others, it takes a bit more time. But no matter what the road looks like to get there, it is your assignment to discover and connect with your divine purpose for being here.


For me, I have always known my purpose. At a very young age, I knew that my life would be used to help inspire, motivate and lift people from where they are to where they desire to be. This would play out for me in the worlds of music, media, law, business, personal development and now television.

The easiest way to discover your life purpose is to start by taking time to silence your world and your mind. Begin to give yourself the time and space you need to be in tune with the essential pieces of your self and your life. Then, just start listening, watching and following the signs that are ever present in your life to help you find your way.


Life will always give you signs. It is our job to receive them and to follow them. Your newly birthed purpose driven life will be grateful that you did.

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The Problem With Trying to Make People Stay

The Problem With Trying to Make People Stay

Trying to make people stay is never a good idea – whether in personal relationships or in business. It’s not a good idea, because if people don’t know the value of who you are to them in their lives, you couldn’t possibly receive the best of what they can give you. I know this can be very difficult, particularly in personal matters, but you must know that who and what is for you is for you, and allowing someone to stay who can’t honor your highest self only does a disservice to you.

If someone is inclined to be without you, allow them. I don’t want anyone down for me when they no longer want to be and are just faking as if they are.


Obviously, there are situations where someone may just temporarily feel a certain way and want or need to go temporarily. That is not what I am talking about. I am referring to people who no longer desire to be with you as an employee, friend, loved one, family member or romantic partner.

Humans are often fickle. They will switch up on you very quickly, but when they have already made a decision to leave you, just let them go.

When you hold on to the waste of someone that does not want to be present, what you will get from them is nothing you’d want to possess. They will be disloyal, negative, problematic and frankly no longer of service to the wholeness of your well-being.

When this occurs, let them go! Don’t try to force them into something they no longer choose to be in. Send them off with love and peace. Wish them the best and prepare yourself for the arrival of something far greater that the universe will send your way.


Don’t allow fear to make you hold on, beg and plead for another day. Send them off now! Call forth the next being that is yet to instill blessings onto you. You cannot receive it when you are holding on to others for the reduced versions of what they’re choosing to offer you.

Be good to yourself, set them and yourself free. I promise you, there is far greater for you on the other side.

If you need some ideas on ways to be good to yourself, download my ebook, 10 Steps to Being Good to Yourself HERE.

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