This is a continuation of Part 1.

3. Change Your Mindset

Although you may feel responsible for where your business is, your continual abuse to yourself will not get you and your business out of the hole. Nothing good ever comes out of a negative state of mind. You have to be able to look at the possibilities and know that your best days are yet ahead of you to pull you through this season.

Beating yourself up will not change a thing. To the contrary, it will just make things worse for you. Give yourself a designated time to feel bad about the situation, cry, scream do whatever you need to do and then get up and go into beast mode to get the problem resolved.


4. Do a Business Assessment and Make the Necessary Changes

Some entrepreneurs are able to do this for themselves, but others will need the support of someone else to come in to do it. Doing a business assessment can show you exactly where your gaps are in your business and how they need to be filled. The most effective business assessments are done by someone from the outside that does not have any ties or emotional connections to the company. Although there are some companies that can do them effectively from the inside.

The most important factors related to this is that the problems are identified, changes are made and the challenges that have been reeking havoc on the business are ultimately resolved.

5. Get Support

Often times we cannot do this on our own. It often requires assistance to make it to the other side. I am always astonished at how entrepreneurs with no business education or previous experience think that they are supposed to be able to find success in business simply by starting one. When I discuss this with entrepreneurs, they are often surprised by how ridiculous that sounds, but so many have succumbed to it.

If you have not been educated on how to create and grow a successful business, you are doing a tremendous disservice to your business and ultimately yourself. I can’t begin to express to you how factual of a statement that is. And the lack of you doing so will be your ultimate downfall.


If you are not satisfied or happy with where things are in your business, it is your fault. As a business owner, you are responsible for guiding and keeping the ship afloat. If you cannot do it on your own, it is your sole responsibility to get the support you need from others to help you find your way. And if you don’t, you deserve exactly what you get.

This may sound harsh to you, but this is a simple fact and if you don’t shift your mindset around what is required to create and build a successful business, you will be part of that ever growing statistic of the majority of businesses that open and close in just a matter of a few short years.

Don’t become a statistic because of your ego. Give yourself every chance you can to create a business and the life that you, your family and your unborn legacy deserves.

If you want to learn the Top 7 Critical Steps to Grow Your Business to Multiple Six-Figures and Beyond, download my Free eBook HERE.

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