Affirmations are such powerful tools to use in our lives. The power of words are just extraordinary. We are touched by them, moved by them and inspired by them. We can also be crushed by them, scarred by them and emotionally and mentally killed by them.

Affirmations are the use of words in a positive way to help strengthen us. When used effectively, they can support you in manifesting the different aspirations you have in your life.


If there is an area of your life you are challenged in that you want to change, use affirmations to assist you in getting there. You can start by writing them daily, saying them, putting them up on your walls where you can see them several times a day, record yourself saying them and play them back to yourself over and over and over again. Your mind will start to seek out ways to make it come to fruition. If you continue to practice the use of affirmations, over time, you will see a shift in what you are desiring to occur.

The mind and the universe will begin to support what it is you are calling forth in your life. You will start to find ways to reach that new goal. Your mind will begin to seek out new opportunities to assist in getting you there.

You will discover new pathways to help get you to that place and it will create a burning desire that leads you.


But you have to be consistent to the practice of it. You can’t just do it a few times and expect everything to shift. You must focus your attention on the practice of it and consciously create the actions for you to get the desired results.

If you are challenged in any area or if there is something you are trying to breakthrough, begin to say it as if it is so. By using the power of affirmations, you can see how those focused areas of your life begin to change.

I promise you, if you commit to it, the results will astonish you.

For more information on affirmations, go to

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