A Woman’s Worth
While I was thinking about what we would discuss during the taping, I started to ponder the title of the program and the value that women have in our society.
In many cases, women are devalued and considered less than in lots of societal terms. We are paid less than men. We are victimized at higher numbers across the board. There are countless examples of all the areas in which there are reduced images and thoughts of us.
But I am so grateful that my personal value is not attached to societal norms nor opinions. My value has been instilled in me by my parents and my dignity is grounded in the essence of who I am. No images on television, lyrics in the latest rap song nor words from any man or woman can change what I know to be the truth about who I am.
But what about all those who do not know their value? Those who were not fortunate enough to have two parents to instill such beliefs in them where what they think they are is directly tied to the reduced versions of who they were told they are by society. By the limited thinking, capacity, and shortcomings of others, an abundance of girls and women have been painted false perceptions of themselves.
It is the job of us all to speak life into girls and women at all levels and in all ways in our society.
They need us. We may be the only positive reinforcement that many of them will ever receive.
Click here to watch A Woman’s Worth episode of the Santita Jackson & Friends Show.
My dress is by Byron Lars Beauty Mark.
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