The Top 3 Things I Did to Mend a Broken Heart and Increase the Joy and Happiness in My Daily Life – Part 3
This is a continuation of Part 2.
#3 Choose One of the Things that Bring You a Great Amount of Joy and Do It Regularly
Many of you have seen this play out in my life in recent years. After having several years of significant traumas, I decided to physically and manually input something that brings great joy to me in my life. And for me that is travel.
Now, many people think if that’s the case, I should be joyous all the time, because I am always traveling. But what the vast majority of people don’t understand is that when I’m traveling, I am completely traveling for work. So, I cannot enjoy a place in the same manner working as I would if I didn’t have to work. It is often the case as well that when I’m traveling for work, I am going to the same places repeatedly.
Therefore, I decided a couple of years ago to force myself to go on vacations. After not taking a vacation for nearly 13 years, I decided that I was going to go on vacation every 30 days. It didn’t have to be far nor an exotic place, but it had to be work-free and enjoyable for me. What that time did was grant me freedom and removed a great deal of stress that had been accumulating over the years in my life. It allowed me to slow down an ever so busy schedule and just focus on me and the things that bring me happiness and joy.
This one input into my life gifted me an amazing opportunity to de-stress and refuel so I could be ready to run on a little bit further in my life.
Your joy and happiness are your responsibility to find. On this life journey, we will all experience an abundance of things and many can and will bring you great pain, unhappiness, and uncertainty.
It is each of our responsibility to do whatever is necessary to find and obtain joy, happiness and peace in our daily lives. You cannot fully give it to anyone else if you don’t first give it to yourself. Go get it. Go find it. Go be it. The world awaits a happier more joyous you and all of the fruits the new you will bear.
My outfit is by Sole Much More Boutique.
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