The Power of the Pivot In Both Business & In Life

The Power of the Pivot In Both Business & In Life

It is two months after the initial quarantine across much of the US and I am still hearing from business owners who are waiting on the sidelines to see when it will be time for them to restart their businesses. Although according to the medical experts, it can be at the earliest 12-18 months before there is any normalcy found as it relates to the need to no longer social distance.

If we are fortunate enough globally to have a vaccine, the earliest it could be delivered to the masses in America is estimated at least 12 to 18 months from now. So what is a business owner of a company to do who has completely dried up financially during this corona season?


There is only one thing to do and that is to pivot. What do you mean by that you ask? You must now select another way to create revenue in your current business until this season is over. This does not mean that you will never be able to go back to your primary revenue streams of the past. What it does mean is that you are not going to wait until that moment comes again to start bringing in income. Because right now, we have a new, semi-permanent normal to contend with.

Even during regular times, when things were “normal,” companies were forced to pivot and re-create themselves. The ones that didn’t soon passed away.

Examples of these are Toys “R” Us®, Blockbusters®, Sears® and the list goes on. Why is pivoting, reinventing and adjusting required? Because life is ever-changing. Businesses are ever-changing. Your customer is ever-changing. The world and society are ever-changing. And if you do not change with them, you will soon have nothing to change at all. Because before you know it, your business will be done.

This is not unlike our regular lives. Our lives are constantly changing. We are constantly evolving. And when we do, we have to change the things that are no longer working for us and find the new things that produce the results and breeds the new elements we want to call forth in our lives.


Business is the same. We have to find new ways to attract potential clients and customers. We have to find new problems to solve. We have to evolve with technology, society and time. And if we don’t, we will be left on the sidelines while evolution passes us by.

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The Top 5 Reasons Why Fear Can Block You From Your Greatest Dreams In Business and In Life – Part 1

The Top 5 Reasons Why Fear Can Block You From Your Greatest Dreams In Business and In Life – Part 1

Where you want to go in your business or life is not about something external. It is solely about who and what you have to become to get there. I believe your greatest successes in life can be found on the other side of your greatest fears.

1. It Can Be Paralyzing

Fear is a great equalizer. It can stop some of the most amazing people from living their greatest lives. Fear can transform otherwise very successful people into accepting a reduced version of themselves, solely based on fear.

What have you allowed fear to block you from doing in your life? And are you currently taking the necessary steps to overcome it?

One of the toughest issues in dealing with fear is the paralyzing effect it can often have on those it possesses. This great paralyzer will thwart your efforts, wants and actions – causing you to deny and seize all desires to move forward.


2. You Are Unwilling to Confront It

Have you ever wondered what makes some people conquer their biggest fears but not others?

We all have experienced fear in some area of our lives. Some a bit more than others, but we all know the human experience of fear and what it brings with it. Some people face fear head on, while others bury their heads in the sand and won’t face it at all.

What we know for sure is that if you are unwilling to confront it, fear will overtake you and you will never overcome it.

The world is filled with countless people who wish they would have the courage to face and overcome the fear that controls so much of their lives. But that requires them to take the first steps to acknowledge and face it. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.


3. The Presence of Arrogance

Arrogance can often be found as an element of fear. How does it show up you may ask? It can show up as a defensive mechanism to hide the fact that fear is even present.

It has been said that a smart man knows when to ask for help. But when you are consumed with arrogance, asking for help is not something you are remotely interested in doing. Instead of being consumed with what you think people may think about you, stay focused on what can be manifested in your life if you simply ask for the help that you need to overcome the fear that is blocking you from moving forward.

Continue to Part 2 here.

My dress is by Byron Lars Beauty Mark.

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Why the Right Branding Can Make Your Business Boom

Why the Right Branding Can Make Your Business Boom

Branding has been very much on trend in the business world over the last several years. So much so that entrepreneurs can spend anywhere from $3,000 to over $30,000 to have someone come up with the perfect brand for them.

The perfect branding speaks to exactly what your business represents. It’s tied to its ideas, beliefs, principles and many other factors that speak to those that come in contact with your business and brand.


Great branding can give you opportunities that your business doesn’t even necessarily deserve. You can lack the experience, and even the knowledge in some cases, but if your branding is powerful – you can definitely win the race.

People love to see beautiful images, photography, polished graphics, effective messaging, professional logos and consistency throughout the different areas of your brand and business.

The right branding will attract potential customers, clients and partners to you. It will draw the attention of those who might want to get to better know you, your business, and your offerings.


Your brand shows up in the room before you and stays long after you are gone.

I have received a variety of offerings specifically from people being attracted to our brand. I was hired a couple of years ago to be the keynote speaker for a major city event by a person who was attracted to the branding from one of our Facebook ads.

I also received an offer from a Bravo star who was interested in going into business with me. My branding attracted her to me. Unfortunately, her brand repelled me from working with her.

The last example I will share was when I was offered to be on a panel of a major city event. There was a famous author and filmmaker who was going to be a part of it as well. Solely based on the branding of my business, they reduced the author’s compensation so that they could include me and they paid me a higher fee than they paid her. That is the power of great, effective branding.


Spend some time today thinking about what your business represents and the messaging it’s putting out in the world as well as the brand you are creating for yourself as an individual. For many entrepreneurs, both the brand of your business as well as the branding for yourself as an individual are affecting your business’ bottom line.

If you need support and assistance creating your brand, or rebranding your business, please email us at We’d love to be able to assist you.

My dress is by Byron Lars Beauty Mark.

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The Top 5 Things to do When Your Business is in a Lull – Part 2

The Top 5 Things to do When Your Business is in a Lull – Part 2

This is a continuation of Part 1.

3. Change Your Mindset

Although you may feel responsible for where your business is, your continual abuse to yourself will not get you and your business out of the hole. Nothing good ever comes out of a negative state of mind. You have to be able to look at the possibilities and know that your best days are yet ahead of you to pull you through this season.

Beating yourself up will not change a thing. To the contrary, it will just make things worse for you. Give yourself a designated time to feel bad about the situation, cry, scream do whatever you need to do and then get up and go into beast mode to get the problem resolved.


4. Do a Business Assessment and Make the Necessary Changes

Some entrepreneurs are able to do this for themselves, but others will need the support of someone else to come in to do it. Doing a business assessment can show you exactly where your gaps are in your business and how they need to be filled. The most effective business assessments are done by someone from the outside that does not have any ties or emotional connections to the company. Although there are some companies that can do them effectively from the inside.

The most important factors related to this is that the problems are identified, changes are made and the challenges that have been reeking havoc on the business are ultimately resolved.

5. Get Support

Often times we cannot do this on our own. It often requires assistance to make it to the other side. I am always astonished at how entrepreneurs with no business education or previous experience think that they are supposed to be able to find success in business simply by starting one. When I discuss this with entrepreneurs, they are often surprised by how ridiculous that sounds, but so many have succumbed to it.

If you have not been educated on how to create and grow a successful business, you are doing a tremendous disservice to your business and ultimately yourself. I can’t begin to express to you how factual of a statement that is. And the lack of you doing so will be your ultimate downfall.


If you are not satisfied or happy with where things are in your business, it is your fault. As a business owner, you are responsible for guiding and keeping the ship afloat. If you cannot do it on your own, it is your sole responsibility to get the support you need from others to help you find your way. And if you don’t, you deserve exactly what you get.

This may sound harsh to you, but this is a simple fact and if you don’t shift your mindset around what is required to create and build a successful business, you will be part of that ever growing statistic of the majority of businesses that open and close in just a matter of a few short years.

Don’t become a statistic because of your ego. Give yourself every chance you can to create a business and the life that you, your family and your unborn legacy deserves.

If you want to learn the Top 7 Critical Steps to Grow Your Business to Multiple Six-Figures and Beyond, download my Free eBook HERE.

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The Top 5 Things To Do When Your Business Is In a Lull – Part 1

The Top 5 Things To Do When Your Business Is In a Lull – Part 1

It’s often very difficult for an entrepreneur to pull themself out of a slow time in their business. This difficulty is for a variety of reasons, but often times when one is in that place, it takes all they have to pull themselves out of it. Contrary to what many entrepreneurs may think, all businesses experience a slow down at times and must do whatever is necessary to move themselves and their businesses forward.

There are different ways to move yourself forward if you find yourself there, but below you will find what I believe to be the top five ways to do it.

1. Go Out and Get Inspired!

When you’re feeling low about where you are in your business or your actions and inactions in getting yourself there, one of the best things you can do is to go find inspiration.


No matter where things are in your business, and how bad you may feel about your current state, there is always someone out there whose situation is worse. There are tons of entrepreneurs who had the deck totally stacked against them and they succeeded at this entrepreneurial game anyway.

Finding inspiration can be done in a myriad of ways. It can be done by reading the story of an amazing, unrelenting business owner. It can be done by watching the inspirational story of someone who overcame extraordinary odds in their business and life. Or it can be done by attending an event which exposes you to such people and stories. All that matters is you find it.

Inspiration is everywhere! Go out and get some to inspire you to do the next steps that are required in your business now.

2. Remember What Worked When Your Business Was at a High and Do It Again!

Now obviously this one assumes that you have previously had some wins in your business. If you have not, then you need to start at the basics and invest in some education on what’s required to create a successful business.

But for those entrepreneurs who have had success, many seem to have a short memory as it relates to the actions they did that worked and benefited their businesses financially. Why do I say that? I say it because if they consciously remembered what they did that kept them at a high in their business, as opposed to their inaction around what was putting them in a rut, then seemingly they wouldn’t allow themselves to get there again in the first place.


I was recently speaking to a new client who was complaining to me about the current sales in her business and compared her current situation to someone else’s high sales in theirs. When she was telling me the story, she went into great detail about what the other person was doing that had their business booming and articulated her inaction in hers.

It was quite obvious to me that she was not hearing clearly what she was saying, because if she did she would implement some of the things that the other entrepreneur was doing in her business instead of complaining about hers.

When I discussed with her the current state she was facing compared to what she did when she was receiving sales, she responded as if she was surprised. She then said she would start to do those things again to pull her business out of its current state.

Check out Part 2 of this article on Friday.

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