The Event Against Domestic Violence – Part 2
This is a continuation of Part 1.
Sandra Ramos, the founder of Strengthen Our Sisters, has spent decades fighting the judicial system, politicians, and the powers that be for the rights of women, in particular battered women and children. Although Sandra sees this work as part of her greater civil rights work, the women and children of domestic violence are the ones that have seen the greatest benefit from her ongoing efforts.
Sandra can often be found protesting in front of courthouses and governmental agencies forcing institutional changes to occur for the benefit of women and children. She has dedicated the last 50 years of her life to stop this ongoing epidemic against women and children and at 77 years old, she has no signs of slowing down.
The women from Sandra’s shelter shared their stories of escaping from their abusers and finding refuge in Sandra’s arms, both literally and figuratively. They were able to get a new start in life, recover from the harsh realities of their past and have the chance to create a safer and healthier life for themselves and their children – all because of Sandra and her unyielding work.
Housing over 150 women and children, Strengthen Our Sisters has a store, 2 day care centers, a food pantry and a beauty salon. The shelter has not only housed battered and abused women but, at times, has also served as employment for many who call the shelter home.
Although Sandra has had to contend with financial hardships since the government cut her funding in 2012, Sandra continues to push forward in an attempt to provide all battered women and children in need a safe place to call home. If she did not do so, many would have to return to the abusive person they fled.
Many of her clients that spoke at the event said they have no idea if they would even be alive if it wasn’t for Strengthen Our Sisters. They said they owe their lives to Sandra and the work of the shelter.
To donate to Strengthen Our Sisters, please go to their website www.strengthenoursisters.org.
Thank you greatly to Serendipity Labs for partnering with us for such an amazing, powerful event.
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