My Sacred Spiritual Mornings

My Sacred Spiritual Mornings

My mornings are very sacred to me. I have always built time for my spirituality and self reflection in the mornings of my life before plugging into the often hectic world that I am often a part of.

In an ever so crazy world and my ever so crazy life at times, I’ve always known the importance of staying spiritually grounded and connected to me. In many ways, it is my superpower. My ability to silence the world and focus deep within allows me to get greater grounding, introspection and gives me the space to receive orders for my next positioning.


My mornings are free from telephones, emails, text messages, the needs of others that can be consuming and just allows me to focus solely on myself and my needs. What a tremendous gift that is to myself.

Sometimes it may be short, but normally it is hours that I block out to give myself the freedom to just be still in meditation, contemplation, reflection, sometimes reading and active movement. Most days it includes a physical workout which I deem as spiritual – the moving and stretching expands my physical capacity and mental stability.


Depending on the season, I will do different things. Most often it is a moving meditation of yoga, walking and running. I receive some of my greatest messages for business and life during this time.

I often wonder when this information would come to me if I didn’t have this practice, because it is a direct line of actions that never come to me at any other time.

I intentionally block out the world during this sacred time and use it to pour solely back into myself.


When you are a person who is constantly pouring out, giving, offering, it is essential that you mandate the time to refill and give back to yourself. That is your responsibility. Because no one will do it for you nor grant you the time and serenity to do it for yourself. I am so grateful that I learned that lesson a very long time ago and in doing that I’ve given myself a tremendous gift that allows me to do more, be more and to show up for others more fully in a way that I just could never show up if I was coming from a place of depletion.

Try giving yourself some time to solely pour back into yourself. It doesn’t have to be in the morning. Perhaps the evening or afternoon would be better for you, but be sure to designate that time to give yourself physically, mentally and spiritually what you need to set you on the course for showing up and participating in your life at a higher level – and to give you and your relationships what they need to thrive.

For more information about 10 Steps to Being Good to Yourself, download my ebook HERE.

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What Does It All Really Mean?

What Does It All Really Mean?

People will do almost anything for money. That refers to monumental things as well as minute things. The question for today is what do you value and what exactly are you willing to sacrifice for it?

I was recently talking to a friend who is an executive at a startup. She shared with me how overwhelmed she’s been and her inability to balance being the mother she wants to be with being the executive she’s forced to be.

She talked about not having enough time with her children and the 24/7 requirements of her position. She said her toddler recently said to her, “Mom, I love when we go on vacation, because you actually talk to me.”


I asked her what that meant to her and what she was going to do about it. She said that her children don’t care about having a nanny. They want the time from her and her husband. I said that children don’t care about all the stuff that we have. They’d rather have less stuff and more time with her. She said although they don’t care about the stuff, she really wanted to be an executive in her career.

What did it really mean when she started the conversation with all that really matters are the people in our lives? Because now when the opportunity is revealed, making the “people’s” decision appears difficult.

If your children feel you can’t even talk to them regularly, perhaps it’s time for the million dollar house to go and a more affordable house is purchased for the sanctity of your children’s rearing, your own peace of mind and your life.

We often are the creators of the overwhelming burdens we face in our lives.


Imagine if we did something different. Imagine if we just focused on what truly mattered and nothing else, instead of focusing on what we thought mattered. What an amazing, rewarding life we could all create for ourselves.

My dress is by Byron Lars Beauty Mark.

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It’s Spring! Are You Seeing the Blooms You Planted?

It’s Spring! Are You Seeing the Blooms You Planted?

Spring is in the air! Depending on where you live, the feeling of spring may have arrived some time ago or you may live in an area where you are awaiting its arrival. Whichever it is for you, spring is sure to bring in some amazing new gifts with its arrival.

It is such a wonderful gift to witness a new season coming in and to see the previous one go away.

I had been a bit under the weather and pretty much burning the candle at both ends. It is never a good thing when you are moving so fast that you can’t see the warning signs (or you are unconsciously ignoring them) of something being off with your body. So, I had to take some time to restore, renew and reinvigorate my mind, body and soul.

It is such an impactful gift to be able to give yourself what you need when you need it. I am very grateful I was able to give myself some much needed rest to allow my body and mind to heal.


Spring ushers in things to sprout anew. This is the time for the new things in your life to start to bloom.

If you have planted your seeds and watered them consistently, you should be able to see the blooms of what you planted.

But if you haven’t, it’s not too late. You can start to implement and nurture what you have to this point.

Life will give you an abundance of opportunities to create yourself a new.

The moment you decide to do more, be more, expect more and know that you deserve the best of what life has to offer you, it will begin to abound you.

Spend some time today thinking over what it is that you would like to see blossom in your life in this new season and for the remainder of the year. Spend 15 – 30 minutes meditating over where you want your life to be, what you desire for your relationships and what you want your career and/or business to look like and then implement a plan and take the necessary steps to get you there.

I will be holding space for you in calling forth those things into your life. But it’s important that you create a roadmap, follow the path and implement consistency to get you to the finish line. Without consistency, nothing will succeed.

Spring has finally sprung! The question is – have you?

To help you stay on the right path, feel free to download my ebook here, The Top 7 Ways to Use Affirmations to See Growth In Your Life.

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The Importance of Developing Into Your Wholeness

The Importance of Developing Into Your Wholeness

Being whole is not just a state of mind. It is developing and deciding to live in the fullness of all areas of your life. It does not mean that there isn’t work for you to do or places for you to grow, but what it does mean is that you are already filled to a critical level in all essential areas of your life.

Being truly whole prevents you from succumbing to the falsities that many people will attempt to sell you along the way. It will allow you to dig deeper knowing that your foundational well is already filled and you don’t need to seek permission nor approval from others to make you feel good and fulfilled within yourself.


When people are lacking in significant areas that is when they are most vulnerable to the actions, thoughts and opinions that others try to insert into their lives. That is when those people, either conscious or unconsciously, use the gaps, holes and shortcomings to manipulate what you may feel about yourself, think about yourself or even claim to know about yourself.

These spaces of emptiness may appear as insecurity, be grounded in fears or simply be incorrect thinking. But no matter what it is you must know that you can recover from whatever ails you if you are willing to acknowledge what exists and do the work to overcome it.

The work may look like therapy. You may need to focus on improving a particular area of your life or it can be connected to learning a different way of thinking. Whatever it may be, doing what is necessary to fill the gaps will be far more beneficial for you than trying to avoid what can ultimately draw great harm to you.


If you don’t feel as if you’re already whole, start working on the areas you think need improvement so you can build your own security wall that is unpenetrable for those who may try to prey on you, while you are on your way to completing your wholeness. Even those with good intentions can end up doing tremendous harm to you if you are vulnerable to particular actions and words that people send your way.

Always be open to working on and developing into your wholeness. It will serve you and your life in ways you cannot even imagine.

For more information on being whole by being good to yourself, download my ebook “10 Steps to Being Good to Yourself” here.

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Finding Stillness

Finding Stillness

It is critically important that we find places and spaces which speak to our inner being. A space that allows us to get a break from all the noise that consumes us during the hectic, chaotic days of our normal lives. Although not intentional, our consumed living takes a toll on us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We need a safe space to be able to pour back into ourselves and to restore ourselves anew.

Stillness is extremely important to me. It is when I’m able to quiet my mind and receive the necessary information I need to proceed.

I sometimes find such stillness at the ocean. The ocean soothes me. It soothes my soul. I love going to it when I need to just check in with myself and my world. It is one of the best places for me to find my stillness.


Another great place for me to tap into my stillness is when I run. I know this seems very odd because I am in movement, but it is indeed a stilling space for me. I call running my moving meditation. As I’m running, any potential heaviness that can consume me subsides. I can be freed from work, commitments, deadlines and the overwhelming elements that can be heavy to carry at times.

When I’m in my stillness, lots of great ideas and concepts come to me. It is often in our free time when inspiration can truly find us and make itself known. I keep a journal of all the great ideas that come to me when I run. It’s very interesting to reflect on it at a later time. These ideas would never come to me at any other time without being in the space of stillness, even moving stillness.

If you are open, stillness has a magical way of allowing you to contemplate the most important aspects of your life and release the thoughts and ideas which no longer serve you. It supports the renewing of your body, mind and spirit to fly higher, to go further, to dig deeper.


Depending on where you are, finding stillness can be an ever daunting task. But once you have become practiced in it for a while, you can literally find stillness in the most non-stilling environments.

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The Importance of Making Boundaries Part of Your Business Life – Part 2

The Importance of Making Boundaries Part of Your Business Life – Part 2

This is a continuation of Part 1.

When I started to rebuild my businesses during the Great Recession, it was my goal to be able to create a core business that I could run part-time, from anywhere in the world, but not have its revenue suffer. I had colleagues who had done it successfully and I was determined to do it as well. I wanted to only have to work three days a week for a max of 20 hours and not have to work on weekends.


I am very grateful to say that I have created that life for myself. I built my personal development company so that I could live that life I had only dreamed of. But it could only be done by creating definite boundaries and restrictions in my business.

Many people ask me how I get so much done. It’s quite simple. I schedule all the things I need to do and those are the only things I focus on. When it’s time for me to do something else, I turn my attention to that. I don’t waste time answering phones, replying to emails or surfing social media when I’m suppose to be doing something else.

I schedule downtime for myself regularly, because that will allow me to be the most creative and allow me to work at my highest level. I studied what works best for me and I work and stay within those parameters.


You can create whatever type of business it is you desire. You are the captain of your own ship. You are the decider. You are the rule maker. It is up to you to determine what that life looks like for yourself, create a roadmap to get you there, get whatever support you need to make it happen and then just do it.

We are rapidly approaching a new year. Make 2019 the entrance of the life and business you have always dreamed of. You only have yourself to make it happen and if I can assist you along the way, please just reach out to me. Your new life and your new business awaits you as soon as you take the leap of faith to make it happen. All of your dreams are waiting on the other side.

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