After spending some wonderful downtime with myself and my family for Thanksgiving, it is time for me to break away from my cocoon and get back to work and close out the end of 2018.

Holidays are always so wonderful spent with family and friends and being able to unplug from my busy, busy, busy life and take some time to just stop and breathe.

After taking some unexpected time off, but clearly so necessary for my mind, body and spirit, I am back at work interviewing fabulous women for an upcoming Women on the Move episode.

There are some amazing women coming up in 2019 and I am so grateful to be able to share their stories with the world.

Emily Perl Kingsley was a writer for Sesame Street for nearly 5 decades. The 23 Emmy Award winner created the first characters on television with disabilities and the first network television movie that featured a disabled person.


Elaine Adler heads the Adler Aphasia Center which is the leading organization for Aphasia in the world. Her and her husband started the center when he developed the condition. I was told Elaine’s age prior to meeting her, but when I saw her in person, I had to ask her myself because I couldn’t believe it. She looks so fabulous!


Di’ta Monique has an unbelievable story of survival. If I hadn’t been the person to find her and produce her story, I probably wouldn’t have believed it myself. This singer and actress’ story will surely make you a believer in the impossible. We all had tears in our eyes as she shared her story when we filmed yesterday.


I will keep you posted on the airing dates of these amazing women as their stories are all absolutely worth watching when they air.

As the year comes to a close and I look forward to 2019, I am overwhelmed and utterly grateful for the abundance present in my life. Thank you all for being a part of my journey. The ride just wouldn’t be the same without you here sharing it with me.

I excitedly await all to come in 2019!

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