My Travel Series: 24 Hours in Asheville – Part 2
This is a continuation of Part 1.
One of my favorite places in Asheville was the Wake Foot Sanctuary. This was a fabulous foot spa. All things around peacefulness, relaxation and serenity greet you when you enter this uncommon space. While my feet were being focused on by the wonderful attendant who was bathing and massaging them, I was busy attending to the lovely cookies and hot tea I was served during the service. Afternoon tea while having my feet cared for. It doesn’t get much better than that!
After the foot sanctuary, we had lunch at Capella on the 9, which is on the rooftop of the AC Hotel Asheville Downtown. This restaurant was recommended for its wonderful city views. Rooftop venues are often very cool places to see the aerial view of the city and to get the city’s vibe.
My absolute favorite restaurant I went to was no surprise – Asian! Red Ginger Dimsum & Tapas was amazing! This had to be the best restaurant I’ve gone to in a very long time. Each and every item was better than the last. Their tapa sized plates were absolutely scrumptious! If for no other reason, I will return back to Asheville just to eat there again. Simply delicious!!!
But I will also be returning to Asheville to do the tour at the famous Biltmore Estate. I went to the grounds while there, but didn’t have enough time to do the tour.
One of my very favorite things to do when I’m in a new place is to check out the real estate. As a real estate broker and investor, I just couldn’t come through Asheville without seeing at least a slice of what their real estate market had to offer. So before leaving, I stopped to see some gorgeous mountain homes and spent some time with a local broker to learn all about the lay of the land for their market.
When I return for my next trip to Asheville, I will spend more time exploring the real estate market there as well as uncover some of the hidden treasures I may not have been able to find during my first 24 hours there. Although short in time, the experience of being in Asheville will last a lifetime. And between not experiencing a place or just being there for 24 hours, I will take only 24 hours in a new city every time!
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