Finding Stillness at the Ocean
There is no place I feel more balanced, centered and connected to from which I’ve come than by spending time at the ocean. There is something about that magical, majestic body of water that reminds me everything I need, everything I want and everything I desire is already here.
I love to stop by the ocean whenever I can. I come to run, cry, restore myself, celebrate and to meditate. It is a wonderful place to just be with yourself, connect with yourself and check in with yourself.
It is critically important that we find places and spaces which speak to our inner being. A space that allows us to get a break from all the noise that consumes us during the hectic, chaotic days of our normal lives. Although not intentional, our consumed living takes a toll on us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We need a safe space to be able to pour back into ourselves and to restore us anew.
Stillness is extremely important to me. It is when I’m able to quiet my mind and receive the necessary information I need to proceed.
We are all naturally intuitive. Some are just more tapped into it and confident about their abilities than others. I have always been highly connected to mine. My intuition has never failed me. It tells me when something is right or when something is wrong for me. It shows me who is safe and when someone is not.
It is in my stillness where my true rest is found.
If you are open and willing, the ocean has a miraculous way of allowing you to contemplate the most important aspects of your life and release the thoughts and ideas which no longer serve you. It supports the renewing of your body, mind and spirit to fly higher, grow and soar greater than you did before. If you allow it, the ocean will assist you with what you need to continue on the journey down this road called life.
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