My Sacred Spiritual Mornings

My Sacred Spiritual Mornings

My mornings are very sacred to me. I have always built time for my spirituality and self reflection in the mornings of my life before plugging into the often hectic world that I am often a part of.

In an ever so crazy world and my ever so crazy life at times, I’ve always known the importance of staying spiritually grounded and connected to me. In many ways, it is my superpower. My ability to silence the world and focus deep within allows me to get greater grounding, introspection and gives me the space to receive orders for my next positioning.


My mornings are free from telephones, emails, text messages, the needs of others that can be consuming and just allows me to focus solely on myself and my needs. What a tremendous gift that is to myself.

Sometimes it may be short, but normally it is hours that I block out to give myself the freedom to just be still in meditation, contemplation, reflection, sometimes reading and active movement. Most days it includes a physical workout which I deem as spiritual – the moving and stretching expands my physical capacity and mental stability.


Depending on the season, I will do different things. Most often it is a moving meditation of yoga, walking and running. I receive some of my greatest messages for business and life during this time.

I often wonder when this information would come to me if I didn’t have this practice, because it is a direct line of actions that never come to me at any other time.

I intentionally block out the world during this sacred time and use it to pour solely back into myself.


When you are a person who is constantly pouring out, giving, offering, it is essential that you mandate the time to refill and give back to yourself. That is your responsibility. Because no one will do it for you nor grant you the time and serenity to do it for yourself. I am so grateful that I learned that lesson a very long time ago and in doing that I’ve given myself a tremendous gift that allows me to do more, be more and to show up for others more fully in a way that I just could never show up if I was coming from a place of depletion.

Try giving yourself some time to solely pour back into yourself. It doesn’t have to be in the morning. Perhaps the evening or afternoon would be better for you, but be sure to designate that time to give yourself physically, mentally and spiritually what you need to set you on the course for showing up and participating in your life at a higher level – and to give you and your relationships what they need to thrive.

For more information about 10 Steps to Being Good to Yourself, download my ebook HERE.

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What Does It All Really Mean?

What Does It All Really Mean?

People will do almost anything for money. That refers to monumental things as well as minute things. The question for today is what do you value and what exactly are you willing to sacrifice for it?

I was recently talking to a friend who is an executive at a startup. She shared with me how overwhelmed she’s been and her inability to balance being the mother she wants to be with being the executive she’s forced to be.

She talked about not having enough time with her children and the 24/7 requirements of her position. She said her toddler recently said to her, “Mom, I love when we go on vacation, because you actually talk to me.”


I asked her what that meant to her and what she was going to do about it. She said that her children don’t care about having a nanny. They want the time from her and her husband. I said that children don’t care about all the stuff that we have. They’d rather have less stuff and more time with her. She said although they don’t care about the stuff, she really wanted to be an executive in her career.

What did it really mean when she started the conversation with all that really matters are the people in our lives? Because now when the opportunity is revealed, making the “people’s” decision appears difficult.

If your children feel you can’t even talk to them regularly, perhaps it’s time for the million dollar house to go and a more affordable house is purchased for the sanctity of your children’s rearing, your own peace of mind and your life.

We often are the creators of the overwhelming burdens we face in our lives.


Imagine if we did something different. Imagine if we just focused on what truly mattered and nothing else, instead of focusing on what we thought mattered. What an amazing, rewarding life we could all create for ourselves.

My dress is by Byron Lars Beauty Mark.

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The Importance of Developing Into Your Wholeness

The Importance of Developing Into Your Wholeness

Being whole is not just a state of mind. It is developing and deciding to live in the fullness of all areas of your life. It does not mean that there isn’t work for you to do or places for you to grow, but what it does mean is that you are already filled to a critical level in all essential areas of your life.

Being truly whole prevents you from succumbing to the falsities that many people will attempt to sell you along the way. It will allow you to dig deeper knowing that your foundational well is already filled and you don’t need to seek permission nor approval from others to make you feel good and fulfilled within yourself.


When people are lacking in significant areas that is when they are most vulnerable to the actions, thoughts and opinions that others try to insert into their lives. That is when those people, either conscious or unconsciously, use the gaps, holes and shortcomings to manipulate what you may feel about yourself, think about yourself or even claim to know about yourself.

These spaces of emptiness may appear as insecurity, be grounded in fears or simply be incorrect thinking. But no matter what it is you must know that you can recover from whatever ails you if you are willing to acknowledge what exists and do the work to overcome it.

The work may look like therapy. You may need to focus on improving a particular area of your life or it can be connected to learning a different way of thinking. Whatever it may be, doing what is necessary to fill the gaps will be far more beneficial for you than trying to avoid what can ultimately draw great harm to you.


If you don’t feel as if you’re already whole, start working on the areas you think need improvement so you can build your own security wall that is unpenetrable for those who may try to prey on you, while you are on your way to completing your wholeness. Even those with good intentions can end up doing tremendous harm to you if you are vulnerable to particular actions and words that people send your way.

Always be open to working on and developing into your wholeness. It will serve you and your life in ways you cannot even imagine.

For more information on being whole by being good to yourself, download my ebook “10 Steps to Being Good to Yourself” here.

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The Importance of Making Boundaries Part of Your Business Life – Part 1

The Importance of Making Boundaries Part of Your Business Life – Part 1

Entrepreneurs and business owners know that owning and running a business is usually a full-time job. Many times, it flows over into your off hours, weekends, holidays and everything in between. However, I am a hardcore believer in creating boundaries, especially with your business.

If your boundaries are not managed appropriately, your business will very soon take over your entire world. It will take over your private life. It will consume and affect your relationships if left unchecked. And although it may be good for your business, ultimately you can be left devastated by the effects personally.


I had a client who attributed the lack of boundaries in her business to the separation of her marriage. She had allowed her business to consume her life. She shared with me that she no longer focused or spent time with her husband, because she was too consumed with everything at work. She was very honest in sharing that it was the single cause in the downfall of her relationship. But I’m happy to share that after a year of being separated, they came back together and are now so much happier, because she made the necessary changes in her work life to support a healthy personal life and marriage.

One way to counter such potential devastation is to create specific, useful boundaries that you stick to in your business. Separate work time from private time. Schedule your days – specify specific days and hours for working, meetings, dinners and events. But you must stick to it. Make sure you are designating free time for yourself, your family and your intimate relationship if you have one.


Before the real estate market collapsed, a decade ago, I use to be one of those entrepreneurs who was overtaken with work. My businesses totally consumed me. Almost all of my work was quite enjoyable for me, so I didn’t initially see the harm. I also didn’t have any real boundaries designated around my work. It was just work, work, work all of the time.

I come from a family of entrepreneurs. Both of my parents are entrepreneurs and they come from the school of working all the time and talking about business anytime, anywhere for anything. For me, after the market collapse and having to deal with all of the fallout and cleanup from it, I knew that when I rebuilt my business life, I had to do it very differently. No more late nights regularly, working on the weekend and non-existing vacations. I had to start creating new business structures for my businesses and create some serious, significant boundaries.

Check out Part 2 of this article on Friday.

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The Real Spirit of the Season

The Real Spirit of the Season

As many of us are preparing to travel to family and friends for the holiday, hopefully we are all able to take a little bit of time to slow down our very busy lives to spend some time with those who are most important to us.

Whether you are traveling near, far, or remaining at home, it is a blessing to be able to share such a special time with those who mean the most to us. The holidays offer a wonderful opportunity to slow down, reflect on our lives, the year, our current time and what’s most important.


Your family may consist of those who are your biological relatives or it can be made up of those who are not biologically related, but are emotionally connected to you as family. Whichever it is doesn’t matter, what’s most crucial is that we have those special people in our lives to share life with.

Traveling for the holidays can be quite consuming and often times overwhelming for many. Remember to stay focused on what’s important so that the hectic moments of traveling and the season doesn’t overcome you with unnecessary stress and burdens.

Although many get caught up in the retail therapy and materialism of this soon to be time of the year, it is most important to stay focused on the true purpose and reason for the season.

help others

I always try to spend some extra time during this season with those who are less fortunate to spread some joy and happiness to many who are in need. Although I do it throughout the year, I try to make an extra effort to bring joy to someone who may not otherwise be able to experience it during this time of the year.

Wherever it is you are going or whatever it is you are doing, be sure to take with you the spirit of the season – kindness, compassion, love and joy – to not only spread to those you consider your family and friends, but also remembering to spread a little to those who you don’t know at all.

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