The Importance of Making Boundaries Part of Your Business Life – Part 2
This is a continuation of Part 1.
When I started to rebuild my businesses during the Great Recession, it was my goal to be able to create a core business that I could run part-time, from anywhere in the world, but not have its revenue suffer. I had colleagues who had done it successfully and I was determined to do it as well. I wanted to only have to work three days a week for a max of 20 hours and not have to work on weekends.
I am very grateful to say that I have created that life for myself. I built my personal development company so that I could live that life I had only dreamed of. But it could only be done by creating definite boundaries and restrictions in my business.
Many people ask me how I get so much done. It’s quite simple. I schedule all the things I need to do and those are the only things I focus on. When it’s time for me to do something else, I turn my attention to that. I don’t waste time answering phones, replying to emails or surfing social media when I’m suppose to be doing something else.
I schedule downtime for myself regularly, because that will allow me to be the most creative and allow me to work at my highest level. I studied what works best for me and I work and stay within those parameters.
You can create whatever type of business it is you desire. You are the captain of your own ship. You are the decider. You are the rule maker. It is up to you to determine what that life looks like for yourself, create a roadmap to get you there, get whatever support you need to make it happen and then just do it.
We are rapidly approaching a new year. Make 2019 the entrance of the life and business you have always dreamed of. You only have yourself to make it happen and if I can assist you along the way, please just reach out to me. Your new life and your new business awaits you as soon as you take the leap of faith to make it happen. All of your dreams are waiting on the other side.
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