My Sacred Spiritual Mornings
My mornings are very sacred to me. I have always built time for my spirituality and self reflection in the mornings of my life before plugging into the often hectic world that I am often a part of.
In an ever so crazy world and my ever so crazy life at times, I’ve always known the importance of staying spiritually grounded and connected to me. In many ways, it is my superpower. My ability to silence the world and focus deep within allows me to get greater grounding, introspection and gives me the space to receive orders for my next positioning.
My mornings are free from telephones, emails, text messages, the needs of others that can be consuming and just allows me to focus solely on myself and my needs. What a tremendous gift that is to myself.
Sometimes it may be short, but normally it is hours that I block out to give myself the freedom to just be still in meditation, contemplation, reflection, sometimes reading and active movement. Most days it includes a physical workout which I deem as spiritual – the moving and stretching expands my physical capacity and mental stability.
Depending on the season, I will do different things. Most often it is a moving meditation of yoga, walking and running. I receive some of my greatest messages for business and life during this time.
I often wonder when this information would come to me if I didn’t have this practice, because it is a direct line of actions that never come to me at any other time.
I intentionally block out the world during this sacred time and use it to pour solely back into myself.
When you are a person who is constantly pouring out, giving, offering, it is essential that you mandate the time to refill and give back to yourself. That is your responsibility. Because no one will do it for you nor grant you the time and serenity to do it for yourself. I am so grateful that I learned that lesson a very long time ago and in doing that I’ve given myself a tremendous gift that allows me to do more, be more and to show up for others more fully in a way that I just could never show up if I was coming from a place of depletion.
Try giving yourself some time to solely pour back into yourself. It doesn’t have to be in the morning. Perhaps the evening or afternoon would be better for you, but be sure to designate that time to give yourself physically, mentally and spiritually what you need to set you on the course for showing up and participating in your life at a higher level – and to give you and your relationships what they need to thrive.
For more information about 10 Steps to Being Good to Yourself, download my ebook HERE.
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