The Power of the Pivot In Both Business & In Life

The Power of the Pivot In Both Business & In Life

It is two months after the initial quarantine across much of the US and I am still hearing from business owners who are waiting on the sidelines to see when it will be time for them to restart their businesses. Although according to the medical experts, it can be at the earliest 12-18 months before there is any normalcy found as it relates to the need to no longer social distance.

If we are fortunate enough globally to have a vaccine, the earliest it could be delivered to the masses in America is estimated at least 12 to 18 months from now. So what is a business owner of a company to do who has completely dried up financially during this corona season?


There is only one thing to do and that is to pivot. What do you mean by that you ask? You must now select another way to create revenue in your current business until this season is over. This does not mean that you will never be able to go back to your primary revenue streams of the past. What it does mean is that you are not going to wait until that moment comes again to start bringing in income. Because right now, we have a new, semi-permanent normal to contend with.

Even during regular times, when things were “normal,” companies were forced to pivot and re-create themselves. The ones that didn’t soon passed away.

Examples of these are Toys “R” Us®, Blockbusters®, Sears® and the list goes on. Why is pivoting, reinventing and adjusting required? Because life is ever-changing. Businesses are ever-changing. Your customer is ever-changing. The world and society are ever-changing. And if you do not change with them, you will soon have nothing to change at all. Because before you know it, your business will be done.

This is not unlike our regular lives. Our lives are constantly changing. We are constantly evolving. And when we do, we have to change the things that are no longer working for us and find the new things that produce the results and breeds the new elements we want to call forth in our lives.


Business is the same. We have to find new ways to attract potential clients and customers. We have to find new problems to solve. We have to evolve with technology, society and time. And if we don’t, we will be left on the sidelines while evolution passes us by.

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3 of the Biggest Challenges Facing Women Business Owners Today

3 of the Biggest Challenges Facing Women Business Owners Today

I recently had the opportunity to attend an event for women business owners in a suburb of New York City. The event was focused on the challenges women business owners experience while running their companies.

It was a very interesting conversation around the difficulties that plague many women business owners. Although the owners represented were in the NYC area, I am sure that women business owners across the country share their sentiments.

One of the major challenges that were discussed was related to funding. Capital is one of the main reasons why businesses are forced to close. Where do you get it? Where are the best options? How do you put yourself in the best position for funding? These were all questions and challenges that many of the business owners had to face.


Another issue they tackled was around being a woman in a predominately male industry or just being disregarded or overly questioned by men in a non-male dominated industry. This was actually surprising to me as it has never been my experience. But it was evident how present it was for many who were sharing as part of their experience.

Some of these women business owners were in heavily male dominated arenas such as construction and moving. Some were actually told by colleagues that they were expecting them to fail.


We as human beings, and certainly as women, have our own questions and often times insecurities around our abilities to do different things especially those things we’ve never done before. The added pressure and stress of having individuals tell you that they are waiting for you to fall I find to be very saddening. But this is the reality for many female business owners across the country.

The 3rd challenge many of these business owners faced was related to having to learn exactly what to do at different times in their businesses. How to do it and when to do it without ever having the experience of doing it before. Many credit mentors and other business owners with previous experiences for assisting them and giving recommendations, but ultimately the final decision fell on the actual business owner to make the best decision for their business and then learn from the outcome depending on the results. Asking for and seeking help was a big factor for many of them to move their businesses ahead.

Although these issues were discussed by women business owners, I know that the first and the third challenges described are shared by all business owners, male or female, in America.

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