Why the Right Branding Can Make Your Business Boom
Branding has been very much on trend in the business world over the last several years. So much so that entrepreneurs can spend anywhere from $3,000 to over $30,000 to have someone come up with the perfect brand for them.
The perfect branding speaks to exactly what your business represents. It’s tied to its ideas, beliefs, principles and many other factors that speak to those that come in contact with your business and brand.
Great branding can give you opportunities that your business doesn’t even necessarily deserve. You can lack the experience, and even the knowledge in some cases, but if your branding is powerful – you can definitely win the race.
People love to see beautiful images, photography, polished graphics, effective messaging, professional logos and consistency throughout the different areas of your brand and business.
The right branding will attract potential customers, clients and partners to you. It will draw the attention of those who might want to get to better know you, your business, and your offerings.
Your brand shows up in the room before you and stays long after you are gone.
I have received a variety of offerings specifically from people being attracted to our brand. I was hired a couple of years ago to be the keynote speaker for a major city event by a person who was attracted to the branding from one of our Facebook ads.
I also received an offer from a Bravo star who was interested in going into business with me. My branding attracted her to me. Unfortunately, her brand repelled me from working with her.
The last example I will share was when I was offered to be on a panel of a major city event. There was a famous author and filmmaker who was going to be a part of it as well. Solely based on the branding of my business, they reduced the author’s compensation so that they could include me and they paid me a higher fee than they paid her. That is the power of great, effective branding.
Spend some time today thinking about what your business represents and the messaging it’s putting out in the world as well as the brand you are creating for yourself as an individual. For many entrepreneurs, both the brand of your business as well as the branding for yourself as an individual are affecting your business’ bottom line.
If you need support and assistance creating your brand, or rebranding your business, please email us at info@leverageupyourbusiness.com. We’d love to be able to assist you.
My dress is by Byron Lars Beauty Mark.
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